Last Updated: Mar 07, 2023     Views: 237

I'm an OHIO student, but I don't live near an OHIO campus. Can I borrow books and other library materials?

If you are near an OhioLINK member library, you can use the pick-up anywhere feature to have items sent to that library for you to pick up. If you are not near an OhioLINK member library or are outside of Ohio, your best bet may be to contact a local library near you. Many public libraries have interlibrary loan services that allow them to obtain and lend books they do not own, and many college and university libraries provide community borrower accounts for local residents. Typically, it is easier and faster to borrow from somewhere close to you, but if that is not possible, contact the Libraries and we will work with you to get the materials to you.


Last updated: Mar 07, 2023

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