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Mahn Center for Archives and Special Collections

Research Request Form

Contact Information
How can we assist you?
What is your request? *
Appointment Requests:

Please check the Ohio University Libraries Website for current hours and for more information about finding and using Mahn Center collections.

The Archives and Special Collections Discovery Space on the 5th floor of Alden Library is open during the fall and spring semesters: Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 12 PM and 1 PM to 4 PM. During intersession we are open by appointment only. To make an appointment continue completing this form.

Drop in during open hours to explore exhibits, slideshows, and the reference and vertical files which focus on Ohio University history and City of Athens and Athens County resources.

Research appointments to view collections materials are available Monday-Friday with Saturday and Sunday by special request. If this is a request for a multi-day research visit please enter your arrival date. 

Tell us about your research request
Fields marked with * are required.