Where do I go to find evaluation tools, quality improvement measures, and toolkits for nursing?
Hanna Schmillen, our health sciences librarian, offers the suggestions below.
There are a couple places and ways! Finding assessment tools can be tricky because many are not free.
Plan A: Visit the Quality Improvement tab on the nursing guide for links to organizations and agencies that do provide health-specific tests, measurements, etc. Some of the measurements will not be free.
Plan B: There are a couple resources (databases) to check out listed on the Tests and Measures Guide.
Plan C: Look at studies to see if they include their pre and post tests or surveys in their article. You can contact authors as well, if you find one that looks super promising.
This means you will have to run a search in a database (perhaps CINAHL or ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health). TIP: Search for your topic and then AND (assessment tool OR evaluation tool)