How does the ALICE Catalog’s advanced subject search work?
Subject searches in the ALICE catalog can be done from the Advanced Search page. You can find a link to the advanced search page just under the search button for the ALICE catalog on our home page. Once at the advanced search page, select SUBJECT: as your field.
Sample Subject Searches
This kind of search uses standardized words and phrases, from the Library of Congress, to describe the contents of items in ALICE. By doing Subject searches, you can often get more relevant results than you can from Keyword searches.
A topic
sports medicine
Subject terms can have subdivisions, with or without punctuation:
sports medicine — periodicals
sports medicine periodicals
A personal name
Always enter the last name first, with or without punctuation:
king martin luther
king, martin luther
A Subject search for a person finds items about a person. To find items created bya person, do an Author search.